Children’s Mental Health Week 2025.

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 and the theme for this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’.  

The charity Place2Be have launched a variety of free resources to help support you all of this week, you can download the pack here: 

AMHIE Resources and Tips:

Talking about Self-Awareness and how this can impact a Child’s (or adult’s) mental health, we wanted to share a few quick ideas, tips and resources for you to use or consider.

Here are some useful ideas and tips for helping to recognise mental health problems and improving self-awareness from AMHIE Chair and Founder Richard Daniel Curtis:

Understanding Consciousness

Lesson ideas for improving self-awareness/consciousness

  • Discovering a mini world; Create an aspirator (,cup%20without%20you%20touching%20them!); identify insects which you might find in the garden/outside using worksheets; search and capture some insects using the aspirator
  • Den building; Decide on materials to use (will you build inside or outside); plan the size and shape of the den based on what to use it for; build the den and use it
  • Music making; Find inspiration with the class for a piece (dance, music related); give them access to easy to use instruments; plan the story; help them create and tell the story; present to parents
  • Specialist PE; Decide with the group what they would like to do; give them options so not everyone has to do the same thing; bring in a specialist teacher/field trip to another provider; create regular sessions/opportunities (eg, Yoga, Pilates, Horse Riding, Cross Country running, Cycling etc)
  • Reflection time; Let them choose a self reflection experience from a list which you have previously provided (eg journaling, meditation, talking); let them carry on however they choose; set a time each day/week/month so it’s consistent
  • Party games; You can do this in a sports hall or larger area; get them to suggest a game to play (eg duck duck goose, tag, pin the tail on the donkey etc); set a time each week/month/term so it’s consistent.
  • Walk in nature; arrange a walk out regularly, this may take some organising depending on your location and the availability of time off site; get your learners to help you choose; make the length and difficulty accessible.

We hope that this has helped give you some inspiration for things to try to help build routines which teach the children in your care to prioritize their own wellbeing and self care.


The Team at AMHIE


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