Nudge Education

Nudge Education

Our partners at Nudge Education provide a variety of bespoke services for young people who are chronically disengaged, out of education, or at risk. “At Nudge Education, we are committed to building a world where no young person is left behind. The reality is...

Education Support release their Teacher wellbeing Index

The annual Teacher Wellbeing Index provides an insight into the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and education staff working in the UK.  Education Support share their 8th Annual survey of over 3000 education staff to report on the impact of pupil and parent...

The Big Mental Health Report from Mind UK

Charity Mind UK have bought together National data concerning Mental Health into a report. From November 2024: “We’ve brought together data about mental health problems, stigma and discrimination, alongside real people’s experiences, into one annual...

Anti – Bullying Week Toolkit from Education Support

Charity Education Support have developed this Toolkit for Anti-Bullying week 11th – 15th November 2024. “Anti-Bullying Week 2024 is Monday 11th – Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect. It’s not just pupils who are affected by bullying,...