Our Newsletter
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025, AMHIE have been working hard to get your feedback this term and we will be continuing to ask for little bits of your precious time…we know you have very little right now! Our aim is to use your feedback to drive the support we offer you going forward, and we are always looking for ways to improve and cater for everyone so do comment, and let us know if there is anything you could use that we don’t currently offer.
Mental Health Lead training 2025 – As you may be aware the DfE funding for the mental health lead training came to a close at the end of 2024 with the deadline for applications ending 31st December. If you or your setting applied for a grant before this date you should get your grant paid but you must sign up to training before the 31st March 2025. AMHIE will continue to provide this training, some discounts can and will apply so if you were unable to secure a grant and you would like to train yourself or a colleague – get in touch info@rootofit.com
Elective home schooling/flexi schooling members survey – You may remember that we asked for your feedback following multiple reports from various news sources regarding the movement of pupils to home schooling/flexi schooling. Some sources citing that ‘over 100,000’ pupils were missing from education. Thank you for everyone that took the time to respond to our questions, this helps us to understand you and your requirements and gives us the information to develop resources and related news. When asked “Is parents choosing to flexi school or electively home educate an issue for your setting?” 77% said no, 22% said yes. Of those which said yes, 68% said that they felt the situation had changed a lot since the pandemic. Find the results here: https://www.amhie.com/elective-home-schooling-flexi-schooling-members-survey/
Scaremongering and children’s mental health – Richard (AMHIE Chair) has discussed misleading articles regarding children’s mental health – our news piece will give you strategies, tools and understanding to help with these divisive issues. Read here: https://www.amhie.com/scaremongering-and-childrens-mental-health/
“Support for children and young people with special educational needs” – Earlier this month the National Audit Office released a report regarding SEND in education, we know this issue has been very much at the forefront of recent news and discussions and we intend to monitor the situation and provide advise and feedback where necessary. Read more here: https://www.amhie.com/support-for-children-and-young-people-with-special-educational-needs/
AI and Education – We are very interested that the subject for World Education Day 2025 was “AI and Education: Human Agency in an Automated World“. More similar stories and advice will follow as the government moves forward with their 2025 ‘AI opportunities action plan’ and we start to see more changes and advise from the DfE. Read more here: https://www.amhie.com/international-day-of-education-2025/
Dates for your diary for February 2025:
Advanced Mental Health Lead training Northumberland – 11th February 2025, 11th March & 8th April Sign up here: https://amhie.com/learn/course/advanced-designated-mental-health-lead-northumberland-february-2025-smhl008/
Newcastle Regional Show – 10th February: https://amhie.com/learn/newcastle/
Coming soon:
For our Free Members
Working Parties – Join a working party to discuss a subject and create outcomes that drive our support, advice and news feeds
Steering Groups – Join a steering group to influence to national picture of AMHIE and how we interact with our members and beyond.
Membership number and Certificates – Over the coming months we will be contacting all of our free members and upgrading their membership with a certificate and badge!
For our Full Members:
join our working parties or steering groups – you can also access these groups
Toolkits and resources – even more toolkits and resources
Discounts for training and services
As always, if you have any questions, concerns or you want advice on anything we discuss or beyond we are here
All the best
Lily Blakeledge